Steven Nyeo



Steven Nyeo

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The 16 Sociotypes and Their Configurations

Posted on 08.14.2020

In the previous posts, I have described the psyche's structure by introducing Model A and then presenting the eight cognitive functions. To put these theoretical elements into good use, Model A places these eight cognitive functions into its corresponding position in the archetype to form one of the 16 types of socionics.

There is a somewhat symmetric set of rules of how these eight functions can be filled into the psyche to form a specific archetype. In the ego block, we will need one perceiving and one judging function. Between these two functions, one has to be extraverted and the other introverted. With just the configuration of the ego block, we can construct the remaining three blocks with symmetry.

Let's take the type with extraverted ethics (Fe) as the dominant function and introverted intuition (Ni) as the creative function. With these two functions, we can identify this archetype as the 'Ethical Intuitive Extravert', or also known as the 'Ethical Intuitive Energizer.'

In the super-ego block of the EIE, the role function will have to be the opposing extraverted judging function against Fe, which is extraverted logic (Te). The vulnerable function (PoLR) is the one against Ni, which is introverted sensing (Si).

By flipping the orders and orientations of these conscious blocks, we can quickly obtain the unconscious blocks of the EIE. In the id block, the ignoring function will be the contrary function of the dominant function, which is introverted ethics (Fi). The demonstrative is the contrary of the creative, which is extraverted intuition (Ne). Lastly, the super-id block will contain the cognitive functions that complement the ego, with the introverted logic (Ti) as the suggestion function dualizing the dominant function and the mobilizing function extraverted sensing (Se) that complements the creative Ni.

The table below shows the completed archetype configuration of the EIE, according to Model A.

Strength Conscious Unconscious
4-D Ego Block Fe (Dominant) Id Block Ne (Demonstrative)
3-D Ni (Creative) Fi (Ignoring)
2-D Super-ego Block Te (Role) Super-Id Block Se (Mobilizing)
1-D Si (PoLR) Ti (Suggestive)

Since any of the eight cognitive functions can be the dominant function, and the creative function has opposite judging/perceiving and introverted/extraverted orientation, we can produce 8 x 2 = 16 archetypes, listed below:

  1. EIE (Ethical intuitive extravert, ego block: Fe-Ni)
  2. ESE (Ethical sensing extravert, ego block: Fe-Si)
  3. LIE (Logical intuitive extravert, ego block: Te-Ni)
  4. LSE (Logical sensing extravert, ego block: Te-Si)
  5. EII (Ethical intuitive extravert, ego block: Fi-Ne)
  6. ESI (Ethical sensing extravert, ego block: Fi-Se)
  7. LII (Logical intuitive extravert, ego block: Ti-Ne)
  8. LSI (Logical sensing extravert, ego block: Ti-Se)
  9. IEE (Intuitive ethical extravert, ego block: Ne-Fi)
  10. SEE (Sensing ethical extravert, ego block: Se-Fi)
  11. ILE (Intuitive logical extravert, ego block: Ne-Ti)
  12. SLE (Sensing logical extravert, ego block: Se-Ti)
  13. IEI (Intuitive ethical introvert, ego block: Ni-Fe)
  14. SEI (Sensing ethical introvert, ego block: Si-Fe)
  15. ILI (Intuitive logical introvert, ego block: Ni-Te)
  16. SLI (Sensing logical introvert, ego block: Si-Te)

Credits to FalconNL, these 16 types are listed in FalconNL's chart on Github, which is available at the link below:

As some of the MBTI model derivatives have also borrowed the ideas and symbols of cognitive functions, it is no coincidence that each archetype depicted in socionics has a corresponding type in the MBTI model based on the same symbols. In practice, however, the different definitions of the fundamental cognitive functions cause the thought processes and behaviors of each type described in MBTI to disengage with that in socionics.

Take extraverted sensing (Se), for example. Many online sources that attempt to use cognitive functions to elaborate on the MBTI model describe extraverted sensing as the ability to maneuver your physical senses and movements, as well as preferring to live in the present moment. This extraverted sensing trait manifests in the ISFP as artistic, as they have a strong appreciation and delicate taste for aesthetics. Such descriptions can be found in the following site:

However, extraverted sensing is described as the exertion of force and aggression in socionics, thereby granting the ESIs the role description of a guardian who fiercely defends their moral compass. Regarding behavior, the portrait of ISFP in MBTI matches more closely to socionics' IEI, who thrives on their imagination and has both introverted and extraverted feeling functions (Fi and Fe) to understand the dynamics of human relationships.

To fill in the gaps between these differences, I have come up with an argument for the discrepancy between the explanations of cognitive functions from the MBTI's and socionics' point of view. In MBTI, cognitive functions are characterized by behaviors, while socionics emphasizes the 'thought processes' of each cognitive function. For extraverted sensing (Se), the need to influence and make an impact on the environment will require the individual to be in tune with the physical surrounding, which is the MBTI's description of Se but also the characteristics of introverted sensing Si according to socionics. In fact, for archetypes with strong and valued Se, the Si is also strong in the id-block that aids the ego-block in the background. In MBTI, each sensing functions have their own strengths, but socionics has encompassed both sensing skills, thereby providing a more well-rounded structure of the psyche.

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