Steven Nyeo



Steven Nyeo

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Address: 171jqum72kWrUD5sBVbVRXXiyshwiWAvw2



  • Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    March 2019 - May 2021

    M.S. Computer Engineering
    • Research Focus: Embedded Systems - Connected Cars
    • Advisor: Christos A. Papachristou
  • Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    August 2017 - May 2021

    B.S.E. Computer Engineering
    • Secondary Major: Economics
    • Minor: German, Computer Science


  • Programming Languages / Hardware Description Languages: C/C++, C#, Java, Python3 , VHDL (Synopsis Design Vision), Verilog, SystemVerilog (ModelSim)
  • Front End Development / Markup Languages: Apache2, HTML5 + CSS3, JavaScript, HTML (ASP), PHP7, XML + XSLT 1.0, Adobe Coldfusion CFML, LaTeX
  • Software Project Control: Git CLI, Gogs (self-hosted Git), Gradle Build Tool
  • Operating System Management: Linux (Slackware / Gentoo / Debian), Linux kernel, OpenRC, systemd, Bash script
  • Computer Architecture: ARM assembly, x86
  • Embedded Systems / Microcontrollers: Arduino, AVR, STM32, FTDI, SAMA5D3, Raspberry Pi, Armbian, Buildroot
  • Multilingual Ability: Native speaker of Mandarin Chinese and English, B1 Level German


  • Independent Contractor - Embedded Systems Engineering
    March 2020 – Present

    SaucyBytes LLC, Cleveland, OH (Remote)
    • Prototype embedded Linux firmware for communication between the SAMA5D3 Xplained develop-ment board and the ARS 408-21 radar through the CAN bus, April – June 2020
    • Consolidate implementations of the ARS 408-21 CAN bus communication and GPS functionality onthe STM32F7 development board, June 2020 –
    • Test and develop protocols for accessing remote embedded systems (enhancement of USB/IP func-tionality), June 2020 –
  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Embedded Systems Design
    September 2019 – Present

    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    • Assistance in grading lab demonstrations and deliverables for EECS 303 - Embedded SystemsDesign and Laboratory, Fall 2019
    • Help students with using the OpenCV library (C++/Python variations) for the video surveillance project in graduate-level EECS 488 - Embedded Systems Design, Spring 2020
    • In charge of the equipment and inventories in the Glennan embedded systems lab
  • [U]Tech Weatherhead ITG Web Assistant
    April 2018 – Present

    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    • In charge of updating the website information for the Weatherhead School of Management:, March 2020 –
    • Organize a mentoring program for future student workers at Weatherhead ITG, July 2020 –
    • Assistance in the migration of the department web pages from Adobe ColdFusion to the Microsoft ASP.NET platform and Microsoft SQL Server setup, April 2018 – March 2020
    • Management and maintenance of the WEPA printing machines in the Peter B. Lewis building, April 2018 – October 2019
  • Grader - Digital Logic Laboratory
    January 2020 – April 2020

    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    • Grade lab reports for class EECS 301 - Digital Logic Laboratory
    • Help students with the use of oscilloscopes and the building of logic circuits from the lab assignments
  • [U]Tech Weekend IT Support - Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
    October 2018 – April 2019

    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    • Technical device and hardware support at the help desk of Mandel School of Applied Social Scienceson designated weekends


  • CWRU Toastmasters Club
    September 2018 – Present

    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    • Vice President of Membership, June 2020 –
    • Vice President of Education, June 2019 – June 2020
    • Member, October 2018 –
  • Volunteer - Super Saturday Program 2020
    December 2019 – March 2020

    Math Corps Cleveland -
    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    • College Instructor, January – March 2020
  • Der Deutsche Verein (The German Society)
    November 2018 – Present

    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
  • CWRU Math Club
    August 2017 – Present

    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH



  • Dean's Honor List / Dean's High Honors
    Fall 2017 – Spring 2020
  • The Economics Department Award for Service (Monetary Award)
    May 2020


  • The Loragram Project has been in development since summer 2018. Loragram was solely a HAL prototype and our current focus is to implement the IEEE 802.11 CSMA-CD random backoff mechanism while porting the code from AVR to STM32 with libopencm3 for better packet handling performance.
  • Current user of i3wm on Gentoo Linux, Vim and powerline-go, open-source supporter
  • Personal research into Socionics Type Profiles / Intertype Relations (Myself: ESI-ISFj)
  • From Colorado, born in Taiwan. Love skiing. Hearts of Iron IV enthusiast.
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Recent Posts

MiniOS Tutorial: A tutorial to build a 64-bit OS
— 12.18.2020
backlight_c: A lightweight alternative to Xbacklight
— 10.09.2020
Characters in The Man in the High Castle
— 09.18.2020
Evening Bird Outside of Window Sill
— 09.08.2020
Difference Between Ti and Te in Teaching Styles
— 09.07.2020

Some Numbers!